Passionate fullstack developer and open-source enthusiast who loves brainstorming ideas, Holmes, and playing sports. Also, an avid reader, artist, and writer of poetry, prose and stories.
A custom Lost-at-Sea themed Linux shell that contains several default Linux commands as well as a few custom commands
Created an automated newsletter distributor that doles out copies of a newsletter (with a new punch-line every time) to subscribers from a database
A simple command line application that lets a user obtain information about packets filtered according to any of the TCP header flags
Designed and built the fourth version of the website, as well as helped build and maintain several sister sites—including the events portal and the cybermanipal page, all of which are linked from the main website
The frontend of the dashboard developed to host an open-access online repository of functional materials for IISc Bangalore
The API and backend functions of the dashboard developed to host an open-access online repository of functional materials for IISc Bangalore
A web service and UI for providing OCR text from images hosted on MediaWiki wikis with three OCR engines
A book uploader bot that transfers documents from public libraries such as Google Books, Punjab Digital Library, and Trove Digital Library to Internet Archive
Wrote a Go script that automates the process of updating a Wikimedia Commons page with the remaining amount of Transkribus credits left for the Wikimedia account
Byte sized blips from around the world—from wherever I might be.
Pieces of writing from a repository of prose, poems, or stories—written by yours truly.
The best sketches and paintings that I have done over the past few years.
Wikimedia Foundation
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay
Innovation Center, MAHE
The MIT Post
Manipal Information Security Team
Entrepreneurship Cell, Manipal